The problem with satire websites like the Babylon Bee is that they can’t keep up with realty. No sooner did The Bee publish a meme showing a new flight crew including a blind pilot—in the name of diversity—than the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) announce a diversity push that will focus on hiring people with severe intellectual and psychiatric disabilities.
According to a story by Fox News, the FAA is actively recruiting workers who suffer from severe intellectual disabilities, psychiatric problems, and other mental and physical conditions. The FAA website states that targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the Federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring.
They include:
Complete hearing loss
Total blindness
Missing extremities
Partial or complete paralysis
Severe intellectual disability
Psychiatric disability
The FAA is responsible for air travel, including air traffic control, airport safety, flight inspection standards, and navigation for civil and military aircraft. In short, everything connected with safety and proper procedures for what happens with air travel on the ground and in the air.
This move towards diversity is quite interesting, considering that the head of the FAA, Peter Buttigieg (pronounced “booty judge”)—whose last job was mayor of South Bend, Indiana—is himself a homosexual diversity hire. Biden proclaimed on his first day as President that he would pursue an “ambitious, whole of government equity agenda.” Although Biden didn’t explain exactly what that meant, equity is understood to produce “equal outcomes” for everyone, regardless of aptitude, ability, fitness, or any other determination.
Why this Matters: A policy that promotes hiring people with severe disabilities doesn’t pair well with safety! How much will the FAA spend to accommodate people with such severely debilitating issues? At the very least, a policy to hire dwarves could mean retro-fitting every plane and FAA radar scope at every facility in the US. We shudder to think of the what the other costs, and consequences, will be.
United CEO is a Drag Queen
No one should be surprised that the CEO of United Airlines who promotes DEI—diversity, equity, and inclusion--is also a drag queen. Scott Kirby says he takes race and gender into account when hiring, and laments that there are too many white men in the industry.
Kirby has recently incorporated drag queens into official business and sponsors drag shows.
Kirby’s directive in hiring is that the flight decks (pilots and those involved in operating the aircraft) in the next decade should be 50 percent women or people of color. That means United only has ten years to completely transform.
Currently, United flight decks are seven percent female and 13 percent non-white.
The graph above shows the effect of the DEI agenda. Since February 2020, four million people have been added to the workforce, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The hiring of white people is down nearly one million, while:
2 million Hispanics were hired
768,000 blacks were hired
882,000 Asians were hired
The 2020 census reported that 71 percent of the population of the US is white.
A “New” Face at United
The new agenda produced a DEI Committee with a tranny pilot at the helm. His name is Capt. Maya Tallman, and he sent a memo welcoming his fellow committee members on January 5. As part of the duties of DEI chief, Tallman is adding a “B” to DEI. It stands for “Belonging.”
Above: Maya Tallman, United Airlines Captain, “No Pants” event cover
Not to be bested, the city of Phoenix is encouraging partially clothed people, and those with fetishes, to ride on public transportation. On “No Pants Light Rail Day,” adults and children rode in their underwear and the diversity crowd donned sexual fetish gear. The guide for the ride instructed riders to wear tops and underwear, but no pants, shorts or skirts (boxer shorts are OK).
The light rail took passengers to the Central Avenue/Roosevelt Street station in Phoenix, where they disembarked and walked over to Walter Studios for an after-party. This is an annual event that began in 2009.
What fun!
On a brighter note, the first-ever active duty Air Force pilot (an actual female) competed in the Miss America Pageant—and won! Madison Marsh is a Harvard graduate and is in the Air Force’s weapons school, an advanced weapons and tactics program.
Breach at the White House
The White House was evacuated on Saturday after pro-Hamas protestors stormed the exterior fence, threw bottles at police, and fought them. At one point, the fence was breached and Secret Service agents had to hold it up to keep rioters from reaching the White House.
No one was arrested, and the event largely went unreported by the mainstream media.
It’s fine! After all, these weren’t Trump supporters and it wasn’t an insurrection.
Media Prepares for Trump Victory
Last week, Michelle Obama was featured in mainstream media articles and soundbites as she expressed her fears and anxiety over the thought that Donald Trump might return to the White House. She is losing sleep and terrified at the possibility.
Fast forward to Sunday, January 14, when NBC broke with a “story” that Donald Trump is sparking fears among “those who understand the inner workings of the Pentagon,” saying that he would use the military to make himself a dictator.
Certain outlets have also accused Trump of planning to assassinate his political rivals because he knows he wouldn’t be prosecuted for it afterwards. This comes after the former President claimed immunity from allegations that he interfered with the 2020 election results.
Why this Matters: It is a slippery slope. Some legal experts are concerned that going forward, we will have endless prosecutions of ex-presidents if the Supreme Court doesn’t rule in Trump’s favor. Trump warns that if these charges stand, and Presidents don’t have immunity, “That will be bedlam in the country.”
Red Sea Turmoil
US military ships in the Red Sea have hit several Houthi-controlled sites in Yemen. This follows Houthi fighters attacking commercial ships, effectively shutting down passage through the Red Sea.
Here’s a brief history taken from the Brookings Institute:
The Houthis are rebel Zaydi Shiite Muslim fighters in Yemen
They have made fighting so-called corruption the centerpiece of their political agenda, and have largely taken over the capital city, Sanaa
Zaydi Muslims are at odds with other Muslims
Their slogan is “death to the US, death to Israel”
Hezbollah and the Houthis are connected through Iran, and both stand against the Saudis
This brings us up to the October 7 massacre of Israel by Hamas. The Houthis stand with Hamas and joined the fight by carrying out weeks of assaults on commercial shipping in the Red Sea.
On Friday, the US returned fire, hitting 28 locations and striking more than 60 targets as fighter jets, warships and a submarine launched missiles and bombs. They hit weapon depots, radar and command centers, killing five troops and wounding six others.
The Houthis retaliated on Monday, hitting a US-owned and operated commercial container ship in the Red Sea. There were no reports of injuries or significant damage.
The Houthis have said attacks will only stop when Israel and Hamas enact a cease-fire.
How to Pray: These are trying times, an opportunity to count it all joy! Pray for public pressure to turn back the destructive DEI policies throughout public and private institutions. Pray for the church to stand fast because the ground at the cross of Christ is level—all men are equal. Pray for peace in Jerusalem. Praise God for His mercies endure forever.
Is. 40:31 - But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
James 1:3 - My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith works patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.